Sunday, April 10, 2011

Growing Up is Weird.

Luke and I have been challenged so much since we have been in LA. We have been challenged as a couple and as individuals. There is so much growth happening it is insane. With growth sometimes comes pain and unfamiliarity but results in so much beauty. I think that sometimes we surprise ourselves by how much we love this city and the community at Mosaic. We have thrown ourselves into exciting things and most of the time don't have a chance to look back. Needless to say, we love it here. Even on "bad" days we are thankful to be here and inspired by the people around us.

With all that said, here is a thought that keeps coming to mind lately... Growing up is weird. Who knew? No one told me. Ya know, it was a little strange when I started the big girl job and was teaching. Then as soon as I got used to that feeling of newness and normalcy we pack up and head to the West Coast. But in the past 9 months I have slowly realized that going through the process of growing up is just different when you have moved. I sometimes feel like I am so disconnected from things back home. I know this is all part of growing up and starting our own life, but I didn't realize how hard it would be to see and hear about things moving and changing in my old world and not actually being present. I am a "feeler" I feel things so deeply, and a huge part of an experience for me is how I feel, how do other people feel and react, what conversations are had, etc. So it has been tough to hear or see pictures of my old reality moving forward and changing and not being present.

My sister is competing with a dance team for the first year ever, getting ready for college, shopping for prom dresses, working at Chick Fil A (JEALOUS). And I am not there. Not experiencing it, not sitting with my parents at the events supporting Haley.

My sweet friend Shanna graduated a few weeks ago. I know how hard she worked to get there. I was there when she started her waaay intense program. I had the privildge of hearing her talk about all the details, her excitement, her fear and I loved feeling it all with her. And to see it finish out but not be a part of the celebration was hard.

One of my most precious friends is getting married. Sarah Beth is a friend where there is no pressure to be anything but who we are, like the things we like, be honest with each other, cry, share stories, laugh, share fears and dreams and never be concerned about judgment. She is honestly like another sister to me and I miss her terribly. I am out of this world happy for her and this special time and totally realize that she has plenty of people to share this time with and she is well taken care of. However, in a selfish way I find myself tearing up at the facebook photos of events where I am not. Really, you should have seen Luke's face when he realized there were actual tears in my eyes while looking at facebook photos.

I am so glad that I can see pictures of all the events happening in my old world, but at the end of the day they are still images. The part that feeds my soul is missing... like the interaction between friends, the emotions that play out, the laughter that starts in your belly and comes out in a loud burst of joy, the agonizing questions and staring in the mirror that happens when picking the perfect prom dress, the hilarious stories told when Haley comes home from musical practice, hearing/seeing her practice... and practice... and practice dances until they are flawless, sensing the stress she is is putting on herself to do her very best. All of these things are missing and causing me to feel disconnected. When I think about my trip to GA next month I feel so many emotions and am so overwhelmed with them that I can barely stand it.

Lastly, in the moments where I feel terribly disconnected I have to remind myself that though I am disconnected from my old reality, we are connected to so many new and interesting people in LA. I am honestly thrilled to be being challenged in this season of life. I can feel myself becoming a better me each day. My goal is to live in the moment, in this reality. I am actively "feeling" it all and taking it all in.

If you didn't know I was so into being able to "feel" everything, now you do. Hope that wasn't too overwhelming.

Love from CA,

P.S. 8 days until Hawaii!!!!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Bye Bye Nanny Land!

Bye Bye Nanny Land... Hello Teaching :)

This week was my first week working full time at my new job! I am teaching in a private school and I loved my first week! The kids are great. It is a multi aged classroom so that has been different but the program is set up so that kids can get one on one attention that they need!! I don't have much to update about the school yet since I was only there a week but I will update as things progress. All I know is that my days are much more enjoyable, I feel meaningful again and the kids seem to really like me!

This week is Spring break for my new school!! So I plan on catching up on some rest, going to the beach and catching up on some of the relationships that got pushed back with all the craziness of working 2 jobs and being stressed about this new one working out!

Another thing I have to mention is that we will be in Hawaii in 16 days!!

Love from the West Coast,

Nanny Mom Lost Her Mind

Okay, in case you have been anxiously waiting for the update on how nanny mom reacted to my two weeks notice, here we go...

She sent me a nasty e-mail that called me irresponsible, inconsiderate, and selfish. Then let me know that she did not want me to come back to her home and work for 2 weeks. She asked me to drop her key off in the mailbox and she said that she would mail my pay checks (praying that actually happens since we need it to pay the bills this month). Normally an e-mail like this would really crush me. But all of the things she called me are words that I know do not describe me and I have seen her life patterns for long enough to know that this is the way she "deals" when life doesn't go her way. She stamps her feet and pitches a royal fit.

I have stayed in contact with the nanny agency that I worked for to see how things are going and help him in anyway possible since things ended so abruptly. Until Friday she was ignoring him, would not call him back. Crazy! He is just trying to help her find someone else to fill my spot. One would think that after a week to cool off she would be able to have a conversation with the agency. NO. I got an email from the agency this morning and he finally got to talk to her yesterday but she was still so mad that he had to ask her to call back when she could speak to him in a "reasonable manner". WOW. Needless to say she is taking this hard and is just taking out everyone in her path.

There are only 2 things that are still weighing on me about this situation

1) What does nanny kid think happened to me? One day I was there and the next day I am not. No closure for her and I hate for her to think that the one person who spent every weekday with her just left her high and dry.

2) My paycheck

I am glad it is over, but will be ready to really let it go when I get those pay checks!

No more nanny diaries!! Thank goodness!

Love from CA,