Monday, April 19, 2010


Okay! Luke had a job interview last week at the Coffee Bean and he has a 2nd interview this week. So please keep him in your prayers. He is looking to work part time and I am looking to work full time for sure! One of the most common questions I get asked is, "Are you planning on teaching in California?" or "Do you have a job out there already?"...
So for the record...."Do you have a job out there already?" I do not. But I will keep you posted. "Do I plan on teaching in Califnornia?" If something comes available I would consider teaching for sure! But am I consumed by the thought of getting a teaching job? Not at all. At first I was really set on finding a teaching job. However, as I have continued to grow and learn about myself I am not so sure that is what I will end up doing. To be honest I have no clue what is in store for me as far as a job. As of right now I am praying that I will be ready and willing for any type of job that is brought my way. I do not want to get so stuck in being concerned about a "teaching" job that I possibly miss out on something great! I am not saying that I will not teach, I am just saying that I feel like I need to keep an open mind. I think I realized that I was pushing myself to find a teaching job because I felt like it is what I "should" do or what people expected of me. If you do not know, both of my parents work in education so people were not surprised when I chose the field. This is fine, but it has caused quite a bit of shock when people find out I do not have a teaching job lined up after the move. I do love teaching and I believe that I am good at it, however, I also know that God has gifted me in other areas. If He wants me to explore other avenues, I definitely want to check them out.

Do you ever feel like you are walking blind? Like He is not letting you in on the secret of the future He has? Well I have felt like that during this Journey. I mean I can see some of the future that may be to come... Living in CA (but for how long?) Serving with Mosaic (but in what way?) Working in a job of some sort (but what kind? and when?) I could go on and on. Not knowing the answers to these questions used to terrify me, but I have started to become really intrigued by the mystery of it all. I am becoming aware that many times we have to act without knowing for sure what will happen. I am some what thrilled by this idea.

So to everyone who is concerned that I do not have a job in California, or who has been wanting to ask "Do you have a job?" "Are you going to teach?" Thank you so much for caring so much about my future. It really makes me feel so loved. Please know that I do not have a job or even a lead on a job, but I do serve an amazing God who has this all figured out. He just hasn't given me a look into what He is thinking. I am at peace with that and am continuing to pray for guidance. I ask that you do the same! Like I said, I find myself excited about the mystery rather than scared of the unknown. I am shocked that I feel this way, but I see this as a sign of growth.


Shanna M. said...

"You can only see as far as your headlights, but you can make the whole trip that way." -E.L. Doctorow. I've always liked that quote..

I think it's awesome that you aren't limiting yourself to one path; the right thing will come along! :)

Kristin Roberts said...

So first of all... i'm getting REALLY excited about the wedding

Secondly, I am amused at how frequently this blog design changes :) hehe - I LOVE this by the way

And lastly, I'm so excited to witness God reveal pieces of His plan to you. It's awesome to think about how God really isn't in time like we are, and He works so differently and higher than we do. And I have no doubt he'll provide for ya'll and use you in incredible ways.

Anonymous said...

I love you and I love the way our God is moving with you and Luke. I don't like surprises, but I have come to realize that with Him surprises are the best and it makes my faith incredibly strong when I see the "surprise". We serve an awesome God. Stay strong in your faith. God has all the answers. He is just letting them down one at a time. ~ Valerie

Unknown said...

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6.

See, no worries. God is always watching out for his children!

As for sticking to one thing, there's a whole big world out there and you are young. Don't feel like you have to be stuck!

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