Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The New Apartment!!!

Well Luke moved into our apartment last week! He has it all cleaned up and is working on getting the basic things ready before I get there. I have been sending him links from the IKEA website! I know he wants to get everything put together before I get there... because I will be NO help with that. I could try, but would most likely find myself in the way! Since he has moved in everything is becoming more of a reality and I am thrilled. I find myself thinking of the future more often than I used to. For example, when we looked at the apartment in February I remember walking out the front door and looking to my left only to see the most gorgeous mountains I have ever seen. I can't wait to step outside to that daily! I catch myself thinking of what the future holds "What jobs will we have?" "What kind of relationships will we build with people?" "What type of influence will we have?" "What new things will we try together?".

I am so excited for the adventures that we are going to be able to take and all of the experiences that are waiting to be had!!! I am still a little intimidated about leaving all I have known, but I have realized more and more how much I have grown to really desire this move and opportunity to grow more into the person that God wants me to be. Who would have thought I would be so ready?... Not me. Now don't get me wrong I do not feel completely prepared for everything that is to come. But I don't think that I am supposed to feel completely prepared! I am praying daily for a willing heart and sensitive spirit for the people that I will be serving and serving with!

Here is a picture of the outside of the apartment. This just our front door :)To you it probably just looks like a door, but I see bliss!


Anonymous said...

The apartment looks adorable! The kitchen looks like a great place to start practicing all those recipes you have been collecting Jessica:) What a fun and exciting adventure your are about to begin together! Julie (I am not really Anonymous, just don't have an account profile)

Unknown said...

Your apartment is adorable!

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